Good leaders share the spotlight with those who follow them. That takes a confidence and healthy identity, one that has overcome the affirmation deficit that most of us grew up with. Paul had no trouble sharing his spotlight with Sothsenes (1 Corinthians 1:1).... Based on the New Testament, believers in Jesus have come to a non-physical mountain called Zion (Hebrews 12) and are called the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21). Isaiah 2 tells us that in the “Last Days” all the nations will...
Leading ourselves is perhaps that most important leadership role we will ever have. In fact, our success in leading ourselves will determine our success in leading other. Tim suggests 4 things that everyone can do to lead themselves into success. Leadership Vlog...
Join Tim in taking a look at a couple of verses from Isaiah 1. It is possible to be so focused on the things God has asked us to do that we become fixated on them instead of on God. When that happens, it strips out the meaning of the action of obedience and causes our...