New Year Revival – Krakow, Poland
December 2024 to January 2025

tax-deductible gift:
contact us
non-tax-deductible gift:
Cash App: $ColesOnFire
Venmo: @Dawn-Cole-205
- New Year European Revival 9%
(of the $4,000 needed)
Prepare The Way Conference
Partnering with REVIVE Europe, we are fanning the flames of a MOVE OF GOD for European young adults and university students. We will be offering personal prophetic ministry to as many as we can of the 3k students expected for REVIVE’s bi-annual conference. The theme of this year’s conference is Preparing the Way.
From our first Revive Our Hearts retreat over a year ago, we have been working toward this Revive Conference, where university students from all over the world will gather in Kraków to Prepare the Way for the King!
We will offer personal prophetic ministry to the conference participants and mentor teams from Budapest and other European cities. Raising the next generation to learn to hear God’s voice more clearly and share His Words with others is an exciting part of this ministry opportunity.
Help Send Us!
Would you help send us to meet the call of the heart of God for the nations? Would you sow with us into the revival of Europe for Jesus? Our goal is to raise $4,500 for this pivotal week.
- New Year Revival – Europe 9%
(of the $4,000 needed)
tax-deductible gift:
contact us
non-tax-deductible gift:
Cash App: $ColesOnFire
Venmo: @Dawn-Cole-205
Prepare The Way Conference
Partnering with REVIVE Europe, we are fanning the flames of a MOVE OF GOD for European young adults and university students. We will be offering personal prophetic ministry to as many as we can of the 3k students expected for REVIVE’s bi-annual conference. The theme of this year’s conference is Preparing the Way.
From our first Revive Our Hearts retreat over a year ago, we have been working toward this Revive Conference, where university students from all over the world will gather in Kraków to Prepare the Way for the King!
We will offer personal prophetic ministry to the conference participants and mentor teams from Budapest and other European cities. Raising the next generation to learn to hear God’s voice more clearly and share His Words with others is an exciting part of this ministry opportunity.
Help Send Us!
Would you help send us to meet the call of the heart of God for the nations? Would you sow with us into the revival of Europe for Jesus? Our goal is to raise $4,000 for this pivotal week.
tax-deductible gift:
contact us
non-tax-deductible gift:
Cash App: $ColesOnFire
Venmo: @Dawn-Cole-205
- New Year’s Revival – Europe 9%
(of the $4,500 needed)