Godly government matters. Biblical government does not rest on institutions, organizations, or structures but on people. The Son of God, Jesus would carry the government of God in meekness and in power instilling hope for the future. God’s government results in...
Everyone makes mistakes. How leaders deal with the mistakes of others will set the tone for the health of your team. Good leaders lean how to cover, process with, and restore those who make mistakes. Great leaders learn how to handle their own mistakes in a way that...
The time of darkness and despair is turned into glory and light through humility before God. If we allow an adjustment of our perspective of God, we will see ourselves differently. This changed the outcome of our season into fruitfulness and freedom. Isaiah Vlog 8...
We are all wearing virtual shirts that we wear because they represent who we are, what we like, what makes us feel good about ourselves. Unfortunately, we all have gotten things “on” our virtual shirts that others can see – blemishes, stains, spots,...
The people of God serve as signs toward Him for the people around us. They turn to everyone and everything else when difficulties come. Yet wisdom begins in only 1 place – God. And He is not stingy. If we need wisdom, all we need to do is ask Him for it. Isaiah...
Great leaders have many good qualities that draw people to them. Authenticity creates trust in relationships and enables those around you to relate to you. Followers will feel valued and honored when you are comfortable with who you are and own your unique identity...
We should not think like world things or fear what the world fears. This is so important that God warns us not to live out of the negative side of things. We must resist the ideologies of the culture around us that will numb us to our own death. Our focus should be...
Life is always moving forward. If we choose to anchor at any point, we will find ourselves losing ground since time keeps on moving forward. Leaning forward keeps up moving forward and learning into the future. Staying curious about what just happened and what could...
Isaiah see the Lord high and lifted up. We are changed in mere moments when we encounter God. It is possible that we can miss an encounter with God if we are distracted by the things manifesting around us. But the more clearly we can see God, the more clear our...
Great leadership is connected to being a great followers. Man was created as the ultimate follower before he was commissions to the assignment of leading. Jesus was the Son of God and the Son of Man. His human life was completely driven by His following of the Father....