Principles from John’s Gospel – 16 – Tim Cole Sharing our personal experience with Jesus actually builds a bridge of faith for those who do not believe and helps them borrow our faith for their first steps toward...
Principles from John’s Gospel – 15 – Tim Cole The kind of worship God is looking for will make most of us uncomfortable and at the outer boundary of what is a normal experience for us. True worship begins from a place of Truth and commitment to the...
Principles from John’s Gospel – 14 – Tim Cole Communicating with unbelievers about Jesus, the Kingdom, and spiritual things can be challenging when their worldview perspective raises significant obstacles to having a real exchange. Jesus by-passed...
Principles from John’s Gospel – 13 – Tim Cole We were created to live out our identity under the blessing of God as we fulfill our divine assignments in life. This puts spiritual fuel in our tanks and creates the sense of fulfillment that comes from...
Principles from John’s Gospel – 12 – Tim Cole When we get a revelation of who God is and what His posture is toward us, we can finally come out of hiding, even when we fall or make mistakes, and run toward...
Principles from John’s Gospel – 11 – Tim Cole The primary thing that separates us from everything else in the natural world is the supernatural. – John...
Principles from John’s Gospel – 10 – Tim Cole Jesus was on task and committed to His mission. But He was always aware of His Father and those around Him which enabled Him to facilitate the divine moments of others along His journey, – John...
Principles from John’s Gospel – 09 – Tim Cole Maturity requires that we are aware of and learn to process our lives in real-time using multiple layers of truth. – John...
Principles from John’s Gospel – 08 – Tim Cole Faith enables us to stand in the gap between what we believe and our current circumstance. Honoring God and His presence activates and enlarges our faith. – John...